On Far Cry 5, I worked primarily as an integrator, ensuring UI designs were implemented efficiently, using Flash and Ubisoft's Dunia engine. I assisted with managing image databases for the avatar, weapon and vehicle customization features and conceptualizing the initial player select screen.
I established flash asset libraries to support our art team with integrating consistent UI menus and supported art direction with developing efficient scripts and action sets for artists to be able to create our stylized intaglio effect across our assets.
The final designs were polished by our UI artists as I had taken the role of leading the UI art team on Watch Dogs: Legion before FC5 had shipped.
Avatar Select
I conceptualized the avatar select screen with captures of our models and used paint overs to convey how to we could focus on body type without focusing on gender. Final implementation was polished by Gavin Bird.

Feedback Animations
Although the overall UI design was quite minimal, we maintained the intaglio branding within our assets through highlights and how we styled our images. I built the animations for our feedback and select states to use our intaglio texture across the menus.
HUD Celebration Animations
I designed the initial concept of the positive and negative HUD celebrations. The final animations were polished by Mathieu Gasse.
Customization Menus
Avatar, weapon and vehicle customization all used similar design to convey complimentary info on the right with a scrollable list on the left. I built the various sized states that were used throughout the menus, and set up supporting feedback states as sharable clips that could be referenced between screens.
I designed the category iconography between weapon types and the designed the hierarchy that is used on the right side of screens to display relevant information to the player.